Guest Services

Need a doctor?
Access Eco BC is pleased to launch our Guest Services pages. This will include information on the many great eateries, hotels, attractions and services in Vancouver's Lower Mainland, all with an eye to access. 

Anybody with a mobility or sensory impairment knows the term accessible has attached itself to all sorts of places that are not even close. In part some of the difficulty is the meaning of the word, which is evolving as people with disabilities ("PWDs") forge a place for ourselves in a society slowly moving away from the concept of institutionalization. For our purposes AccessEco BC will use a rating symbol system from one to four.
  1. Mobility impaired have access but there are no amenities and several barriers.
  2. Mobility impaired have access and at least one amenity such as accessible washrooms, but there are several barriers. 
  3. Sight is accessible with several amenities and few barriers.
  4. Barrier free grounds and area including numerous amenities, auditory cross ways,  way finding, etc.
Besides access we will also make comments on the overall experience, whether it's visiting the museum, grabbing a bite, or looking for a place to stay. We will launch pages for each category over the next while under the topics of Food/Beverage, Lodging, Attractions, Shopping, and General Services. We hope this information will help you enjoy the world class and very accessible metropolis that is Greater Vancouver. Next post, look for the launch of our Lodging page.

Downtown Vancouver {Stanley Park}

Downtown Vancouver